Configuring the OLAP Service directories

This section describes how to configure the OLAP Service directories.

You can configure these directories:

Database central
The central directory where OLAP databases are stored. Ensure that all OLAP machines can access this directory.
See the "Administration" section to check why and how to save a database.
Backup directory
The backup directory for OLAP databases. Ensure that all OLAP machines can access this directory.
Local directory
The directory where temporary files are stored on the OLAP cluster node. The same path is used on all OLAP cluster machines of the farm.
  1. On the Directories tab, click Browse to specify the database directory, backup directory, and local directory for OLAP Service.
  2. Optionally, select the Protect Local DB directory check box.
    Note: Only the account under which the service runs can access the folder.
  3. Click Apply or Discard.