This table describes the dimension:

Value Description
Description This dimension is used to show the product hierarchy and accordingly the cost unit hierarchy

It has two attribute driven hierarchies:

  • Tires by Size
  • Tires by Speed Rating
Maintenance The cost unit structure can be added or changed according to specific needs of the customer

The mapping to the P/L account structure is defined by the top element in the hierarchy

Attribute table 1

Attribute field 1: AProduct - Email Production Manager

Attribute field 2: BProduct - Email Product Manager

Attribute field 3: ElemType - Type of element (numeric or string)

Attribute field 4: Name - Short description in (English)

Attribute field 5: OrderPos - Order position for report listing

Attribute field 6: ProductI - Contact ID Production Manager

Attribute field 7: ProductM - Contact ID Product Manager

Attribute field 8: Size - Size

Attribute field 9: Speed_rating - Speed rating

Maintenance Manually
Attribute table 2

Attribute field 1: English - English Description

Attribute field 2: German - German Description

Attribute field 3: French - French Description

Attribute field 4: Spanish - Spanish Description

Attribute field 5: Italian - Italian Description

Subsets None