ANALYSIS cube calculations

This section describes the rules in the ANALYSIS cube.

These rules are created in the ANALYSIS cube:

[MEASURE:'Gross Margin'] (General Rule)

The syntax is:

[MEASURE:'Gross Margin']
=[MEASURE:'Net Revenue']-[MEASURE:'Cost of Sales']-[MEASURE:'Production Costs']; 

[MEASURE:'Net Revenue'] (General Rule)

The syntax is:

[MEASURE:'Net Revenue']

[MEASURE:'Discount in percent'] (General Rule)

The syntax is:

[MEASURE:'Discount in percent']

[MEASURE:'Gross Margin in percent'] (General Rule)

The syntax is:

[MEASURE:'Gross Margin in percent']
=[MEASURE:'Gross Margin']/[MEASURE:'Revenue'];

[MEASURE:'Net revenue per unit'] (General Rule)

The syntax is:

[MEASURE:'Net revenue per unit']
=[MEASURE:'Net Revenue']/[MEASURE:'Units'];

[MEASURE:'Price'] (General Rule)

The syntax is:
