Application Engine

Export report books

These Application Engine functions let you export report books:

  • BookExportResult ExportReportBook (string projectName, string bookName, ReportBookExportOutputType outputFormat, bool usePageLayout, ReportBookImageExportType imageFormat);

    Exports a report book.

  • BinaryData BookExportResultGetBinaryData(BookExportResult bookExportResult);

    Gets the result of the exported report book.

  • string BookExportResultGetFileName(BookExportResult bookExportResult);

    Gets the name of the exported report book.

This example creates a PDF file and sends it as an attachment to an email:

BookExportResult result = ExportReportBook("AETESTruntime5", "Book1", BookExportOutputType.Pdf, false, BookImageExportType.Png);
BinaryData bd = result.GetBinaryData(); // BookExportResultGetBinaryData(result);
string fileName = result.GetFileName(); // BookExportResultGetFileName(result);
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