Managing tables, views, and load queries

Tables and views are global objects that are available to all applications within a tenant. The content of a model (scripts, load queries, and OLAP model) is application specific.

Load queries and scripts are stored in applications. We recommend that you use a single application for the load queries of each table.

If your relational model is the source for several applications, we recommend that you use prefixes to identify which tables and views are used by which applications.

You can export elements of a model from the Staging and Integration databases.

You access tables, views, and load queries in the Relational Modeling dashboard. Select Dashboards > Data Integrations > Relational Modeling. You can display tables and views in a grid, or as tiles. Click Show Grid or Show Tiles on the toolbar. In grid view, you can search and sort by name, description, and by other properties of tables and views.

On-premises, objects that you create in relational modeling are created under the dbo schema. Custom schema names are not supported. To avoid creating objects under an unsupported schema, we recommend that you create tables and views in the Relational Modeling dashboard.