Cube GetList
Retrieves a list of available cubes.
<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
<Alea:Request RequestID="001" Class="Cube" Method="GetList">
<Alea:Cubes NameFilter="SALES" detailed="true" />
If the NameFilter
attribute is not
present or empty, all information is returned. If NameFilter
is specified, it is interpreted as a regular expression. The NameFilter
attribute is optional.
Use the detailed
attribute to retrieve
additional details about the cubes. For example, the timestamp of the last update, base
values, and so on. The detailed
attribute is optional.
The default is false.
<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
<Alea:Request RequestID="001">
<Alea:Cubes Count="1">
<Alea:CubeInfo Name="SALES">
<Alea:Description>Sales Controlling</Alea:Description>
<Alea:Dimensions Count="8">
<Alea:Dimension Name="TIME" />
<Alea:Dimension Name="VERSION" />
<Alea:Dimension Name="CURRTYPE" />
<Alea:Dimension Name="LEVEL" />
<Alea:Dimension Name="UNIT" />
<Alea:Dimension Name="INTERCO" />
<Alea:Dimension Name="PRODUCT" />
<Alea:Dimension Name="PROFIT" />
<Alea:Type Value="U" />
<Alea:Loaded Value="true" />
<Alea:Modified Value="true" />
<Alea:Accelerated Value="false" />
<Alea:TRS Value="off" />
<Alea:AccessControl Value="off" />
<Alea:HasMDAC Value="true" />
<Alea:HasRAC Value="true" />
<!-- Only for access control cubes: -->
<Alea:EffectiveDefaultPermission Value="Write" />
<Alea:ErrorSuppression Value="off" />
<Alea:BaseValuesCount Value="295392" />
<Alea:CalculatedValuesCount Value="0" />
<Alea:ActiveRulesCount Value="23" />
<Alea:TimeStamp Value="1483969820" LastModified="2017-01-09T13:50:20.000" />
<Alea:AllocatedMemoryBytes Value="8292760" />
<Alea:MeasureDimension Name="PROFIT" />
<Alea:FormatDimension Name="PRODUCT" />
<Alea:CachePartitionDimension Name="UNIT" />
<Alea:MDACCube Name="#SALESMDAC" />
<Alea:RACCube Name="#SALESRAC" />
Element | Description |
Alea:Type |
Returns the cube type. These are the values:
Alea:TimeStamp |
The Value attribute is deprecated and should
no longer be used. Use the LastModified attribute
instead. |
Alea:Loaded |
Indicates if the cube is loaded into memory. |
Alea:Modified |
Indicates if the cube was altered since the last save. |
Alea:Accelerated |
Indicates if the former rules engine is used. |
Alea:TRS |
Indicates if transaction logging is switched on or off. |
Alea:AccessControl |
Indicates if cube access control is active or not. |
Alea:HasMDAC |
Indicates if at least one multidimensional access control cube is assigned to the cube. |
Alea:HasRAC |
Indicates if at least one relations access control cube is assigned to the cube. |
Alea:EffectiveDefaultPermission |
Only for access control cubes. Returns the currently used default permission for this access control cube. |
Alea:ErrorSuppression |
Indicates if an error is returned when attempting to write to a consolidated cell. |
Alea:BaseValuesCount |
Returns the number of stored values in the cube. |
Alea:CalculatedValuesCount |
Returns the number of values in the cache of the cube. |
Alea:ActiveRulesCount |
Returns the number of enabled rules in the cube. |
Alea:AllocatedMemoryBytes |
Returns the memory used for the cube. |
Alea:MeasureDimension |
Returns the name of the Measure dimension. An empty string is returned if there is no Measure dimension defined for the cube. |
Alea:FormatDimension |
Returns the name of the dimension used for cell formats. An empty string is returned if there is no format dimension defined for the cube. |
Alea:CachePartitionDimension |
Returns the name of the dimension used for cache partitioning. An empty string is returned if there is no cache partition dimension. |
Alea:MDACCubes |
Returns the list of assigned MDAC cube names. The Alea:MDACCubes element is empty if there is no MDAC cube
defined for the cube. |
Alea:RACCubes |
Returns the list of assigned RAC cube names. The Alea:RACCubes
element is empty if there is no RAC cube defined for the cube. |
<Alea:Request RequestID="001">
<Alea:Error ErrorID="error_code"/>
This is an example of an answer to a request with the
attribute set to false or without the detailed
<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
<Alea:Request RequestID="001">
<Alea:Cubes count="1">
<Alea:CubeInfo Name="SALES" />