Silent installation

You can perform a silent setup in which the components are installed without a user interface or any intervention by users.

You can use command line options to run a silent setup. However, there are some manual steps that must be performed in the Service Expert and in the Farm Expert. Therefore, an end-to-end silent installation and configuration is not possible.

A silent setup cannot install all Infor EPM applications from one setup. Instead, a silent setup must call the single setups provided for each Infor EPM application.

Run silent setups with a Windows script for silent mode installations or run the commands directly from a command prompt.

The command syntax must be specified precisely. The command does not run in these circumstances:

  • One space or more spaces are placed between settings.
  • Incorrect quotation marks are used.

    Do not copy the commands to a word processor program and paste them back to the farm. These programs use different quotation marks than the Windows installer requires.

Open a command line tool (cmd.exe) and specify the command to run.

To run the command in cmd.exe, a running farm with services and the installation .exe file is required.

These are universal switches for a silent installation:

setup.exe /clone_wait /s /v" /qn ADDLOCAL=ALL"

By default, logging is on. The specific log files are created in the Temp folder of the user who launches the installation. For example, C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp.

If logging is disabled in Windows, you can turn it on and specify a name and location for a log file. Add the /l*v switch to the command line. For example:

setup.exe /clone_wait /s /v" /l*v C:\installlog.log /qn ADDLOCAL=ALL"

After a farm upgrade, with the silent command option, open the Service Expert and the Farm Expert. Check whether there are any updates or actions required.