Creating an entity cash flow

You can run the entity cash flow process in multiple context combinations simultaneously or you can reverse the results of the previous run.

You can run the entity cash flow process only for open periods and for entities for which you have permission to view and edit.

  1. Select Cash Flow > Entity Cash Flow > Entity Cash Flow Process.
  2. Specify the context in which to run the process.
    You can specify multiple versions, periods, and entities.
  3. Click New Process Run.
  4. In the New Process Run dialog box, select one or more context combinations in which to run the process.
    Context combinations that have a status of Open are selected by default. Those that do not have a status of Open are disabled and cannot be selected.
  5. Click one of these options:
    Option Description
    Run Process Runs the process.
    Cancel Previous Process Reverses the result of the last run.
    Note: To stop the pending process, click Stop Process.
  6. To view the process result message for a specific context combination, click a row with that context combination in the grid. The result message is displayed in the Process Messages panel and can be copied to the clipboard if required. The Result column shows the result of the run.