Editing the business units

These commands are available in the shortcut menu of the business unit:

Commands Description
Deactivate Deactivates the business unit. It will no longer be shown in the navigation.
Export Source Configuration Definition File Exports the configuration data of the business unit to a file.
Import Source Configuration Definition File Imports the configuration data of the business unit from a file.
Create ad-hoc project

Creates an ad-hoc project. It contains mappings based on dimensions that exist in the source connection. Cubes are created from the fact tables. For each mapping a dimension is created. Data connections are created for the cubes.

To create an ad-hoc project, right-click the business unit and select Create Ad-hoc Project. In the Create Ad-hoc Project dialog specify the name of the ad-hoc project and click OK.

Refresh Refreshes the settings of the business unit.