Properties of the fields

Type Description
IS_ACCOUNTCODE Specifies the field as account code.
IS_PERIOD Specifies the field as period.
IS_DESCRIPTION Specifies the field as description field.
IS_CURRENCYCODE Specifies the field as currency code.
IS_CURRENCYRATE Specifies the field as exchange rate.
IS_ANALYSIS Specifies the field as common field.
IS_ACCOUNTTYPE Specifies the field as account type.
IS_OTHER Not specified field.
IS_MEASURE Specifies the field as a common value field.
IS_FIXEDCURRENCYMEASURE Specifies the field as a value field that contains the values of a currency.
IS_VARIABLECURRENCYMEASURE Specifies the field as a value field that contains values of different currencies.
IS_CONVERSIONOPERATOR Specifies the field as the conversion operator of the currency rates.
IS_BALANCETYPE Specifies the field as balance type. The balance type is used by Enterprise Planning to calculate the carry forward.