
The Common folder contains the Currencies dimension. The entries of the Currencies dimension are required to run the application. The ISO code of the currencies is used for the unique assignment of the currencies.

Column Description Required
ISO Code Specify the ISO code of the currencies, for example, EUR or GBP. X
Description Descriptive element name of the currency
Language names The text that you specify in these fields is used in the application, when you select the language. If no entry is available, the entry in the Description column is used.
Order Position Non-alphabetical element order when sorting in tables and when building a database. In tables, entries are first sorted according to their order position, then according to the ID.
Company Currency Specify, whether the currency may be used as company currency in the application.
Group Currency Specify, whether the currency may be used as group currency in the application.
Data Source ID ID of the data source from which the data are retrieved. Double-click a cell of this column and select a source from the Data Sources table.