Workforce Planning Organization hierarchies

Workforce Planning reports include logic for selecting the correct hierarchy.

If the current period is selected, cube values are displayed using the default Organization hierarchy. If a past period is selected, then cube values are displayed using the Organization hierarchy that was valid on the last day of the selected period.

The Version control option supports changes in the Organization dimension that happen in the configuration set duration. Administrators can create a new default Organization hierarchy that reflects the latest dimension changes while keeping the previous hierarchy versions intact. The business impact is that cube values are displayed using the Organization’s dimension hierarchy that was valid for a specific period.

The Version control option is automatically activated. The option is set in Designer on the Properties tab for the BPDORGANIZATION dimension.

This can be demonstrated using these Organization hierarchies:

  • [V20180531]
  • [V20180630]
  • [BPDORGANIZATION] in Designer and [VCURRENT] in OLAP

If the period selected in the report is May 2018, or any previous period, cube values are displayed using the [V20180531] hierarchy. The hierarchy is valid through 31st May 2018.

If the period selected in the report is June 2018, cube values are displayed using the [V20180630] hierarchy. The hierarchy is valid for 1st June 2018 through 30th June 2018.

If the period selected in the report is July 2018, or any following period, cube values are displayed using the [VCURRENT] hierarchy. The hierarchy is valid for 1st July 2018 through the current date

The same logic is applied in Workforce Planning reports regardless of the selected planning frequency.

Here are some best practices for using the Version control option:

  • Organization dimension changes always impact the default hierarchy. If the existing hierarchy must be retained before any changes are done, duplicate the default hierarchy.
  • The limit is 500 alternate hierarchies.
  • The default hierarchy is always valid from the day following the last valid day of the previous hierarchy. If no other hierarchy is created, then the default hierarchy is valid from the configuration set start.