Currency exchange


This cube is used to handle multiple rates for currency conversion like historical rates.

Dimensions Description
BPDCYCLE Configuration set definition
BPDVERSION Data versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
EXDTYPEStores historical rates
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDINTERCOMPANYReflects the organizational structure enhanced by an internal/external structure

Related to rate type HI

BPDACCOUNTChart of accounts and additional figures / measures of sub plans

Related to rate type H

BPDDETAIL Includes schedule details
EXDCCURRENCY Includes the company currencies
EXDGCURRENCY Includes the group currencies
EXDRATE Includes the exchange rate types


This cube is used for the currency exchange configuration.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDCURRENCYCurrencies of the organization
BPDPARAMETERMain parameter dimension
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension