Global configuration


This is a placeholder cube.

Dimensions Description
#_TAB_ System generated dimension that contains cubes
#_DIM_ System generated dimension that contains dimensions
#_SYSUSER System generated dimension containing user of the Repository
#_GRP_ System generated dimension containing OLAP permission roles of the Repository
BPDPARAMETER Main parameter dimension
BPDNAVIGATION System dimension navigation (placeholder)
BPDCONFIGURATION Budgeting & Planning configuration / settings of Designer
ATDLISTEach hierarchy represents a list of options that can be used in dynamic attributes


This cube is used for the global configuration set definition in Budgeting & Planning. It also stores global activation flags for modules and dimensions

Dimensions Description
BPDCYCLE Configuration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDPARAMETER Main parameter dimension
BPDLANGUAGE Language dimension


This cube is used for the global assignment between the legal entities and the organization elements (relevant organization elements per entity).

Dimensions Description
BPDCYCLE Configuration set definition
BPDVERSIONVersion of configuration set as Budget, Forecast etc.
BPDENTITY Legal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDINTERCOMPANY Reflects the organizational structure enhanced by an internal/external structure
BPDORGANIZATION Organization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDPARAMETER Main parameter dimension


This cube is used for the global assignment between the legal entities and the three segments if all three segments are in use for a configuration set (relevant organization elements per entity).

Dimensions Description
BPDCYCLE Configuration set definition
BPDVERSIONVersion of configuration set as Budget, Forecast etc.
BPDENTITY Legal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDPSEGMENT Primary segment for financial purposes
BPDSSEGMENT Secondary segment for financial purposes
BPDTSEGMENT Tertiary segment for financial purposes
BPDPARAMETER Main parameter dimension


This configuration cube is used for the global assignment between the legal entities / organization and the possible usage of the 12 analysis dimensions.

This cube is not used.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONVersion of Configuration Set as Budget, Forecast and so on
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDANALYSIS 01 - 12Customer or industry-specific dimensions that offer additional analysis for individual customer requirements


This cube stores a long description for display in navigation.

BPDPARAMETERMain parameter dimension
BPDNAVIGATIONNavigation dimension
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension


This cube stores temporary configuration for user.

Dimensions Description
BPDLANGUAGE Language dimension
#_SysUsr System users dimension
BPDPARAMETER Main parameter dimension