Importing from Base Data Store

Customized data integration for the Base Data Store can use modified copies of the stored procedures that allow the import of Budgeting & Planning content directly from the Base Data Store.

A custom SQL script can be written that uses the stored procedures.

For Budgeting & Planning integration, the custom scripts must call the stored procedures in the order shown in this table:

Stored procedure Description
bds_integration_getentities Display a list of active entities within BDS.
bds_integration_getaccountingcharts Display list of active accounting charts within BDS for entity IDs identified
bds_integration_bp_import_entity Import source system entity structure from BDS to Integration database
bds_integration_bp_import_account_staging Import source system account structure from BDS to Integration database
bds_integration_dimension_mapping Display list of active dimensions within BDS for entity ID(s) and Accounting Chart identified
bds_integration_bp_import_dimensions Import source system structure for analysis, organization, and segment dimensions from BDS to Integration Database
bds_integration_bp_import_main_staging Import the budgeting and planning data
bds_integration_bp_import_excrates_staging Import the exchange rate data
depm_integration_bp_account_prepare_staging Validate staged account elements.
depm_integration_bp_account Process validated account elements
depm_integration_bp_bpcmain_prepare_staging Validate staged core financial data
depm_integration_bp_bpcmain Process validated core financial data
depm_integration_bp_excrates_prepare_staging Validate staged exchange rate data
depm_integration_bp_excrates Process validated exchange rate data