Usage and example

The paging panel web extension requires you to specify these parameters:

  • Theme: Specifies the color theme. Options are Vibrant and Subtle.
  • Mode: Specifies the style. Options are Light, Dark, and High Contrast.
  • Item keys: A reference to a range of cells that contain the unique names of items and actions for further processing. For example, the unique names of target reports.
  • Item data: A reference to a range of cells that contain data for list items, or a cell that containsXML with the same data. The first column of the data range is reserved for the keys of items. In XML, keys are represented by rows. Valid properties are: Caption (string), Visible (boolean), and Enabled (boolean).

    These properties are optional:

    • Caption (string): Displays the name of each step below its button.
    • Completed (boolean): If True, this displays a check mark on the button of completed steps. False is the default.
    • Enabled (boolean): If False, the item is disabled. True is the default.
  • Selected button: Highlights the button of the currently selected step.
  • Style: Specifies the background color. Azure is the default. Valid values are Azure, Slate, and Transparent. Add @ as a suffix to automatically size the control to the width of the screen on which it is viewed.
  1. Create an Application Studio report named Step 1 and with the unique name, Step1.
  2. Specify Step 1 in cell B3.
  3. Right-click the heading of Row 1 and select Rows. Specify a custom height of 1.8 cm.
  4. Insert this sample data into the specified cell ranges:
    B7:B10 C7:C10 D7:D10 E7:E10
    Key Caption Completed Enabled
    Step1 Step 1 FALSE TRUE
    Step2 Step 2 FALSE TRUE
    Step3 Step 3 FALSE FALSE
  5. Create a global variable named gv_SelectedItem and specify Step1 as its value. In the properties of the variable, specify Step1 as the default value and select False as the value of Is Persistent option.
  6. On cell B8, create an action with these characteristics:
    Actions Type
    Select Jump as the action type.
    Actions: Condition
    Select =True.
    Actions: Mode
    Select Web Extension as the mode.
    Click the button in the Value field and specify =B8 as the value of the Target report input.
    Parameters: Name
    Click Add parameter and select the gv_SelectedItem variable.
    Parameters: Property
    Select Value(.Text).
    Parameters: Value
    Specify =B8.
  7. Copy the action in cell B8 and paste it to cell B9. Ensure that the values of the target report and parameter change to =B9.
  8. Copy the action in cell B8 and paste it to cell B10. Ensure that the values of the target report and parameter change to =B10.
  9. Click Web Extension on the Objects toolbar and double-click the Wizard Control web extension. The cursor changes to a cross hair.
  10. Drag the cursor to insert, size, and position the web extension so that it occupies cell range A1:G1. The Format Web Extension dialog is displayed.
  11. Specify these parameters. Specify ="" to use defaults where available.
    Specify ="".
    Specify ="".
    Item Keys
    Specify =B8:B10
    Item Data
    Refers to the cell range that contains data for the target reports.
    Note: To see the effect of excluding the optional properties, (Caption, Completed, and Enabled), specify =B7:B10 instead.
    Selected Button
    Specify ="GlobalVariables.gv_SelectedItem.Text"
    Specify ="".
  12. Click OK.
  13. Create a copy of the Step 1 report and name it Step 2. Change the unique name to Step2.
  14. Make these changes to the data in the Step 2 report:
    • B3: Step 2
    • D8: True (Step 1 is now complete)
  15. Create a second copy of the Step 1 report and name it Step 3. Change the unique name to Step3.
  16. Make these changes to the data in the Step 3 report:
    • B3: Step 3
    • D8: True (Step 1 is now complete)
    • D9: True (Step 2 is now complete)
  17. View the Step 1 report in a web browser and click the tabs to navigate between the steps.