This function modifies an existing slice axis by the addition of calculated members. The calculated member is defined in an MDX variable. Use the modified axis when you create a slice definition.




In this example, the calculated member is defined in a variable called rv_sliceXML.

=SLICECREATECALCULATEDMEMBERSXML(ReportVariables.rv_slice.Text, ReportVariables.rv_sliceXML.Text)

Use SETPROPERTY, for example, to store the definition of the calculated member in rv_sliceXML. In this example, the calculated member calculates the average of the five points of sale in the POS dimension:

=SETPROPERTY(ReportVariables.rv_sliceXML.Text,"[POS].[All Pos].Avg_xml", "Caption", "Avg_xml", "Mdx", "[POS].[All Pos]/5")