Export report book action

Exports a report book in one of several formats:

You can export to these formats:

  • PDF
  • Excel Workbook (.xlsx): The reports and their formulas are exported to Excel.
  • Excel Workbook, values only (.xlsx): Only the values of the reports are exported to Excel.
  • MS PowerPoint (*.pptx)
  • Images (*.png or *.jpg)

The action supports these optional inputs:

  • Global variables
  • Custom settings
  • Local action variables
  • Global lists

For example, specify page settings, such as number of rows per page. Use SETPROPERTY to save the settings as XML in a named range. In the action, set the named range as the value of a global variable.

Note: Currently, you must specify the report book to export and specify No as the value of Show export settings.

By default, the progress of the export is not displayed. But, if errors occur during the export, they are displayed when the export completes.

To display the progress of the export, select Always as the value of the Show progress option. To display a timestamp for each stage of the export, also select the Progress dialog timestamp option.

You can use a formula to control whether the export's progress is displayed. Select Formula as the value of the Show progress option and specify a formula has one of these values as its result:

  • Errors only
  • Always