Notification functions



MailServer MailerDefineCloudServer()


Defines a cloud mail server configured in the farm.

Supported Runtime Versions



The function has no parameters.

Return Value

Instance of a cloud mail server.



MailServer MailerDefineServer(string server, int port, string user, string password, bool useSSL)


Defines a mail server.

Supported Runtime Versions

1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0

This function is not supported in a cloud environment.

Parameters Description
server The mail server name.
port The port of the server.
user The user to log on.
password The password to log on.
useSSL Whether to use SSL communications.

Return Value

A new mail server instance.



bool MailerSendMail(MailServer server, string sender, string receiverlist, string subject, string body, string htmlBody)


Sends an e-mail.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
server The server definition of the e-mail.
sender Address of the sender. Can be empty if you use a server of the configured farm (default address is used in this case).
receiverlist A list of receiver addresses separated by commas.
subject The subject of the e-mail.
body The body of the e-mail.
htmlBody HTML body attachment.

Return Value

True if a message could be sent, false otherwise.



bool MailerSendMail(MailServer server, string sender, string receiverlist, string subject, string body, VariantDictionary attachments)


Sends an e-mail.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
server The server definition of the e-mail.
sender Address of the sender. Can be empty if you use a server of the configured farm (default address is used in this case).
receiverlist A list of receiver addresses separated by commas.
subject The subject of the e-mail.
body The body of the e-mail.
attachments Data attachments.

Return Value

True if a message could be sent, false otherwise.



bool MailerSendMail(MailServer server, string sender, string receiverlist, string subject, string body, string htmlBody, VariantDictionary attachments)


Sends an e-mail.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
server The server definition of the e-mail.
sender Address of the sender. Can be empty if you use a server of the configured farm (default address is used in this case).
receiverlist A list of receiver addresses separated by commas.
subject The subject of the e-mail.
body The body of the e-mail.
htmlBody HTML body attachment.
attachments Data attachments.

Return Value

True if a message could be sent, false otherwise.



bool MailerSendMail(MailServer server, string sender, string receiverlist, string subject, string body)


Sends an e-mail.

Supported Runtime Versions

1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
server The server definition of the e-mail.
sender Address of the sender. Can be empty if you use a server of the configured farm (default address is used in this case).
receiverlist A list of receiver addresses separated by commas.
subject The subject of the e-mail.
body The body of the e-mail.

Return Value

True if a message could be sent, false otherwise.



MingleConnection MingleCreateConnection(string endpoint, string tenant, string userGUID, string accessKey, string secretKey)


No longer supported. Use the ION API functionality instead.

Supported Runtime Versions

3.0, 4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
endpoint Endpoint of the Ming.le service.
tenant Tenant to create connection for.
userGUID GUID of the connection user.
accessKey The user's access key.
secretKey The user's secret key.

Return Value

A new MingleConnection object.



void MinglePostMessage(MingleConnection connection, string message, string privacyLevel)


No longer supported. Use the ION API functionality instead.

Supported Runtime Versions

3.0, 4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
connection Connection to be used for posting the message.
message Message to be posted.
privacyLevel The message's privacy level.

Return Value

Does not return a value.



void MinglePostMessage(MingleConnection connection, string message, IntArray userIDs, IntArray groupIDs)


No longer supported. Use the ION API functionality instead.

Supported Runtime Versions

3.0, 4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
connection Connection to be used for posting the message.
message Message to be posted.
userIDs Target user IDs to be added to the message.
groupIDs Target group IDs to be added to the message.

Return Value

Does not return a value.



void MinglePostMessageToGroup(MingleConnection connection, string groupGUID, string message, string privacyLevel)


No longer supported. Use the ION API functionality instead.

Supported Runtime Versions

3.0, 4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
connection Connection to be used for posting the message.
groupGUID GUID of the group to post the message to.
message Message to be posted.
privacyLevel The message's privacy level.

Return Value

Does not return a value.



void MinglePostMessageToGroup(MingleConnection connection, string groupGUID, string message, IntArray userIDs, IntArray groupIDs)


No longer supported. Use the ION API functionality instead.

Supported Runtime Versions

3.0, 4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
connection Connection to be used for posting the message.
groupGUID GUID of the group to post the message to.
message Message to be posted.
userIDs Target user IDs to be added to the message.
groupIDs Target group IDs to be added to the message.

Return Value

Does not return a value.



void MinglePostMessageToOtherUser(MingleConnection connection, string recipientGUID, string message, string privacyLevel)


No longer supported. Use the ION API functionality instead.

Supported Runtime Versions

3.0, 4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
connection Connection to be used for posting the message.
recipientGUID GUID of the user to post the message to.
message Message to be posted.
privacyLevel The message's privacy level.

Return Value

Does not return a value.



void MinglePostMessageToOtherUser(MingleConnection connection, string recipientGUID, string message, IntArray userIDs, IntArray groupIDs)


No longer supported. Use the ION API functionality instead.

Supported Runtime Versions

3.0, 4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
connection Connection to be used for posting the message.
recipientGUID GUID of the user to post the message to.
message Message to be posted.
userIDs Target user IDs to be added to the message.
groupIDs Target group IDs to be added to the message.

Return Value

Does not return a value.