Common properties of services

To view the properties of a service, select Dashboards > Farm Administration > Services. In the Services widget, click the Settings icon of the service to administer.

Changes that you make to the properties have immediate effect. For example, change the size of the Log Queue to 1 to flush log entries immediately to the server.

This table shows the properties that are common to all services:

Tab Property Description
General Log Queue Log entries are cached. Specify the maximum number of entries in the cache.
Log Queue Lifetime The Log entries are sent to the Log Service for processing when the cache is full, or when the Log Queue Lifetime is reached.
Audit Queue Audit entries are cached. Specify the maximum number of entries in the cache.
Audit Queue Lifetime Audit entries are sent for batch processing when the cache is full, or when the Audit Queue Lifetime is reached.
Monitoring Check Interval The interval at which the state of the service is checked.
State Cooldown Interval The cooldown interval is a period during which the state of the service does not change. This allows the service time to fix itself, if necessary.
Load Balancing
Note: Not available for the Configuration Service
Refresh Interval The time interval in seconds after which metric values are refreshed for each service worker.
Metric History The number of metric samples that was used to calculate the average metric value.
Metric time-out The time interval for which the manager waits for the worker to respond for a metric request.
High Load Threshold The maximum value of Load Factor at which the service worker is overloaded and cannot accept new requests.
Memory Usage The percentage weight of average system memory consumed by a service worker process.
Processor Load The percentage weight of average processor time being used up by a service worker process.
Active Tenants The percentage weight of number of currently active tenants in a service worker.
Active Session The percentage weight of number of sessions a service worker is currently handling.
Used Threads The percentage weight of average number of threads a service worker is using.
Processing Requests The percentage weight of average number of requests a service worker is currently processing.
Performance Maximum Concurrency The maximum number of requests that a service manager can process at the same time.
Maximum Worker Concurrency The maximum number of requests that a service worker can process per CPU core at the same time.
Request Lifetime The maximum amount of time after which the request is returned with a message that the system is busy.
Request Queue Capacity The maximum number of requests that the system can accept and queue.