
This section describes reports and charts that are included in Workforce Planning.

Labor Comparison chart

This chart shows the values for the selected driver, the actual FTE, calculated FTE values, and the difference between the calculated and actual FTE values. You can change the context to view different periods or dimensions.

Version Comparison report

This report compares labor planning results between different versions of a configuration set. You can use this report to compare the actual FTE values and up to two versions. The report shows values for the selected versions and the calculated difference between these versions for selected periods. For example, you can select actual source data and compare it with both bottom-up planning and benchmark planning values.

FTE Summary report

The report represents data for direct and indirect labor and shows the results of the driver-based labor planning. You can use the report to compare different FTE values. For example, FTE numbers that were obtained from Workforce Planning calculations, values that were calculated in the FTE Summary report, and the imported or entered data. The report shows the results for previous periods, the current period, and future periods.

The FTE Summary report provides an overview of available and required FTE numbers together with factors that can influence these numbers. It also shows the gap between available and required employee numbers.

Workload report

This report displays how much effort is needed to cover workload that is represented in the number of tasks involved. The workload report displays effort without converting it to FTE numbers. You can use this report to view your data from various perspectives, depending on the dimension that you select in the options.

Performance Overview report

This report shows the efficiency and utilization key performance indicators and their trends for the selected dimensionality.

In Workforce Planning, you can upload the actual hours spent on production-related tasks. You can use Allocation workbooks to transfer the working hours or to convert the working hours from one activity type to another. This is useful if adjustments are required or detailed information on hours spent is unavailable in the system. The detailed efficiency and utilization calculations and the hours spent reflect such changes to working hours.

Hours spent are categorized as, for example, such as paid leave, non-productive time, confirmed claimed hours. These categories have different effects on the efficiency and utilization calculations. Detailed information about spent hours highlights factors that lead to inefficiency and which might influence the key performance indicators (KPIs).

KPI calculations are based on a comparison between the time that was estimated for production and the actual time spent. After you make any manual changes to spent hours, the KPI results are updated.