Calculating imported data

You can use these steps to initiate calculations for new source data that was imported.

New calculations must be initiated in each of these cases

  • New driver values are imported into the application through the integration processes.
  • New client's actual FTE numbers are imported into the application using integrations.

    Actual FTE numbers have an effect on the splashing of the FTE calculation results that happens proportionally to the actual FTE numbers.

  • There is a change to a planning dimension structure.

    Changes in the dimension structure might have an effect on the proportionality of actual FTE numbers that are used for splashing the FTE calculation results.

  1. Click the Home icon.
  2. Select Applications > Sub Plan > Workforce Planning > Configuration > Calculate Imported Data.
  3. Select a configuration set.
    Only configuration sets that were activated for Workforce Planning are available.
  4. Select one or more versions.
    Only versions that were activated for Workforce Planning are available.
  5. Click CALCULATE.
    New FTE calculations are started. The newly calculated results can be displayed in the Assignment Report, Version Comparison Report, or Labor Comparison Chart.