Funciones SQL operaciones y tokens seguros
Para ayudar a garantizar la seguridad del entorno, las instrucciones SQL que se crean, y que se dirigen a un origen de Infor Cloud, se analizan con una lista de construcciones SQL seguras. La sintaxis de la consulta SQL debe cumplir las normas ANSI 92 de SQL. La lista solo se aplica cuando los orígenes de Infor Cloud pueden verse afectados.
Se permiten las siguientes funciones SQL, operaciones y tokens:
Functions and operations | Tokens |
abs | All |
acos | Ampersand |
ascii | And |
asin | Any |
atan | As |
atan2 | Asc |
avg | AsciiStringLiteral |
cast | AsciiStringOrQuotedIdentifier |
ceiling | Between |
char | By |
charindex | Case |
concat | Circumflex |
cos | Coalesce |
cot | Colon |
count | Comma |
cume_dist | Cross |
current_timestamp | Delete |
datefomparts | Desc |
datepart | Distinct |
datetime2fromparts | Divide |
datetimefromparts | Dot |
datetimeoffsetfromparts | Double |
degrees | DoubleColon |
dense_rank | Else |
exp | End |
first_value | EqualsSign |
floor | Except |
format | Exists |
getdate | Fetch |
grouping | From |
grouping_id | Full |
lag | GreaterThan |
last_value | Group |
lead | Having |
left | HexLiteral |
len | Identifier |
log | In |
log10 | Inner |
lower | Insert |
ltrim | Integer |
max | Intersect |
min | Into |
ntile | Is |
percent_rank | Join |
percentile_cont | Left |
percentile_disc | LeftCurly |
pi | LeftParenthesis |
power | LessThan |
radians | Like |
rand | Merge |
rank | Minus |
replace | MultilineComment |
replicate | Not |
reverse | Null |
right | Nullif |
round | Numeric |
row_number | On |
rtrim | Or |
sign | Order |
sin | Outer |
sqrt | Over |
stdev | Percent |
stdevp | PercentSign |
substring | Plus |
sum | QuoteIdentifier |
sysdatetime | Real |
sysdatetimeoffset | Right |
tan | RightCurly |
timefromparts | RightOuterJoin |
trim | RightParenthesis |
upper | Select |
var | Semicolon |
varp | Set |
SingleLineComment | |
Some | |
Star | |
Then | |
Tilde | |
UnicodeStringLiteral | |
Union | |
Update | |
Values | |
Variable | |
VerticalLine | |
When | |
Where | |
WhiteSpace |