Application Engine
Loading shared media, attachments, or local files into the repository
has been added as a new data type. It is
represented by a memory stream and enables interactions with shared media,
attachments and local files of an application.
These functions have been added to interact with binary data:
double BinaryDataGetLength(BinaryData binaryData)
Returns the length of the binary data stream.
void BinaryDataRelease(BinaryData binaryData)
Releases binary data stream resources.
BinaryData RepositoryReadSharedMedia(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string mediaUniqueName)
Reads SharedMedia data into the binary data stream.
string RepositoryCreateSharedMedia(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string mediaUniqueName, string description, string fileName, string mediaType, BinaryData binaryData)
Writes the binary data stream content to the SharedMedia of the given repository.
bool RepositoryDeleteSharedMedia(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string mediaUniqueName)
Deletes given SharedMedia from a repository project.
bool RepositorySharedMediaExists(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string mediaUniqueName)
Checks if the given SharedMedia exists.
BinaryData RepositoryReadBinaryData(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string attachmentId)
Reads the repository content (attachment) to the binary data stream.
string RepositoryCreateFile(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string attachmentName, BinaryData binaryData)
Writes the binary data stream content to the repository as an attachment.
BinaryData ReadBinaryDataFromLocalFile(string fileName)
Reads the file content to the binary data stream.
Export OLAP data functions and types
These functions have been added to send export commands to an OLAP database:
void OLAPExportDataArea(OLAPDataArea dataArea, OLAPDataAreaExportConfiguration configuration)
Exports a data area to a relational table, defined by the export configuration.
OLAPDataAreaExportConfiguration OLAPCreateDataAreaExportSingleValue(string dataConnection, string targetTable, string valueColumn)
Used to configure the data area export when using a single value column.
OLAPDataAreaExportConfiguration OLAPCreateDataAreaExportMultipleValue(string dataConnection, string targetTable, string valueDimension)
Used to configure the data area export when using multiple value columns.
void OLAPDataAreaExportAddColumnMapping(OLAPDataAreaExportConfiguration configuration, string dimensionName, string elementTargetColumn)
Maps a dimension to a column in the target table.
void OLAPDataAreaExportAddColumnMapping(OLAPDataAreaExportConfiguration configuration, string dimensionName, string hierarchyTargetColumn, string elementTargetColumn)
Maps a dimension to a column in the target table, in case the hierarchy name shall be exported to a separate column.
void OLAPDataAreaExportAddValueMapping(OLAPDataAreaExportConfiguration configuration, string elementName, string targetColumn)
Maps a value (measure element) to a target column, in case you want to export to a table with multiple value columns (each measure in a separate column).
These export hierarchy functions and types have been added:
OLAPHierarchyExportConfiguration OLAPCreateHierarchyExport(string dataConnection, string targetTable, string nameColumn, string typeColumn, string orderColumn)
Defines configuration settings for an hierarchy export.
void OLAPExportHierarchy(OLAPDimension dimension, string hierarchyName, OLAPHierarchyExportConfiguration configuration)
Exports a dimension's hierarchy to a relational table based on export configuration settings.
void OLAPHierarchyExportAddAttributeMapping(OLAPHierarchyExportConfiguration configuration, int attributeTableIndex, string attributeName, string targetColumn)
Maps a given attribute to a column within a defined export configuration.
void OLAPHierarchyExportSetRelationshipExport(OLAPHierarchyExportConfiguration configuration, string parentColumn, string weightColumn, bool isAbsoluteOrder)
Maps the relationship information to columns within a defined export configuration.
void OLAPHierarchyExportSetRelationshipExportExternal(OLAPHierarchyExportConfiguration configuration, string targetTable, string nameColumn, string parentColumn, string weightColumn, bool isAbsoluteOrder)
Maps the relationship information to columns within a defined export configuration (when relationships are stored in a separate table).