Dimension RenameElements

Renames an element within a dimension.


<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="http://www.misag.com">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="10" Class="Dimension" Method="RenameElements">
    <Alea:Dimension Name="REGION">
      <Alea:Hierarchy Name="REGION">
        <Alea:Element Name="Netherlands" NewName="The Netherlands" />
        <Alea:Element Name="Botsuana" NewName="Botswana" />

The XML elements <Alea:Dimension> and <Alea:Hierarchy> can be used only once per request. <Alea:Hierarchy> can also be omitted. In this case, the request is rerouted to the default hierarchy.

If the <Alea:Hierarchy> XML element exists, all dimension elements that are to be renamed must be listed within it.

Answer 1

This is the answer to the request:

<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="http://www.misag.com">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="10">
      <Alea:User Name="Admin" />
      <Alea:Dimension Name="REGION">
        <Alea:Element Name="Botsuana" NewName="Botswana" />
        <Alea:Element Name="Netherlands" NewName="The Netherlands" />
      <Alea:ChangedCubes />

The <Alea:ChangedCubes> XML element in the answer is not used and is always empty.

Answer 2

When rule references are invalidated by element renames, it is reported like this:

<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="http://www.misag.com">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="11">
      <Alea:User Name="Admin" />
      <Alea:Dimension Name="PROFIT">
        <Alea:Element Name="Sales Deduction in percent" NewName="Sales Deduction in %"/>
        <Alea:Cube Name="SALES">
            <Alea:Rule Cells="Consolidated" RuleID="0X0009000000">
              <Alea:Target ErrorID="1" ErrorPosition="8">[PROFIT:'Sales Deduction in percent']</Alea:Target>
              <Alea:Formula>[PROFIT:'Sales Deduction']/[PROFIT:'Revenue']</Alea:Formula>
              <Alea:Description>R4: Sales Deduction in percent - C Rule</Alea:Description>
            <Alea:Rule Cells="Basic" RuleID="0X000CC00000">
              <Alea:Target>[CURRTYPE:'LC', PROFIT:'Sales Deduction']</Alea:Target>
              <Alea:Formula ErrorID="1" ErrorPosition="51">[CURRTYPE:'LC', PROFIT:'Revenue'] *
[CURRTYPE:'LC', PROFIT:'Sales Deduction in percent']</Alea:Formula>
              <Alea:Description>R9: Sales Deduction for LC</Alea:Description>

Error 1

When a general error occurs, for example if the requested dimension does not exist, the error response resembles this:

<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="http://www.misag.com">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="21">
    <Alea:Error ErrorID="26" />

Error 2

If there are problems with a name or a new name of elements, the first incorrect element is returned in the error response. In this case, the complete request fails, that is, nothing is changed in the dimension. For example, if there is no Atlantis element, the error response to the request is:

<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="http://www.misag.com">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="1220">
      <Alea:User Name="Admin" />
      <Alea:Dimension Name="REGION">
        <Alea:Element Name="Atlantis" />
        <Alea:Error ErrorID="37" />
    <Alea:Error ErrorID="37" />

Error 3

Another example is when there are multiple renames in the request to the same element name, for example, DuplicatedNewName. The error response to this request is:

<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="http://www.misag.com">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="23">
      <Alea:User Name="Admin" />
      <Alea:Dimension Name="REGION">
        <Alea:Element Name="DuplicatedNewName" />
        <Alea:Error ErrorID="7" />
    <Alea:Error ErrorID="7" />

Error 4

If there is an error in the necessary cube handling due to element renames, for example time-out error 115, the error response is similar to this:

<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="http://www.misag.com">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="24">
      <Alea:User Name="Admin" />
       <Alea:CubeError CubeName="Sales">
         <Alea:Error ErrorID="115">
    <Alea:Error ErrorID="115" />