Using dynamic attributes as captions

The configuration that specifies which dynamic attribute element should be used for which language is stored in the advanced properties of a dynamic attribute cube in XML format.

In the Edit Database dashboard, select a dynamic attribute cube. In the Advanced section of the Properties pane, you can edit the XML. For example:

<Alea:Properties xmlns:Alea="">
  <Alea:Dimension Name="BPDACCOUNT" />
  <Alea:AttributeDimension Name="ATDATTRIBUTE_ACCOUNT" >
    <Alea:DynamicCaption LocaleIdentifier="7" Element="German"/>
    <Alea:DynamicCaption LocaleIdentifier="0" Element="Default"/>

Editing the XML in the advanced properties and saving the changes does not change the XML directly in the OLAP database. Instead the XML is sent as an XML request to the OLAP database.

Keep these points in mind when changing or deleting a translation:

  • When you change an existing translation, the translation is updated.
  • When you delete an existing translation, the translation is not updated, it remains in the database.

Translations can be removed by sending a XML request containing an empty translation tag. For example:

<Alea:Properties xmlns:Alea="">
  <Alea:Translation LocaleIdentifier="1029"/>