
Dashboards present key information, at a glance, that helps you fulfill your role.

You can view your dashboards in a web browser or on a mobile device, which gives you access to business intelligence content anywhere. Typically, a dashboard contains multiple widgets with summary information from which you can drill down as necessary to more detailed reports and charts.

Because of the variety of business roles and tasks, there are no restrictions on the format or content of dashboards. Instead, the application gives you the tools to create personalized dashboards, while guiding you towards functional layouts. There is, for example, no grid to dictate where you place content. Instead, there are helper lines and snapping functionality to help you to position, reposition, and resize widgets precisely. There are options to specify the size of dashboards for optimum functionality on different screen sizes.

In View mode, you can use the side menu that contains a Dashboards tab from which you access saved dashboards. You can open or preview content from one or more content connections, the Widget Copies, Stories, Snapshots, and PDF tabs that are located on the side menu. Dashboards settings, favorites, and recently opened content are also accessible from the side menu.

In Edit mode, after you create a new dashboard or when you edit the existing one, you can add or reposition content on your dashboard. Use the Add Content icon on the application toolbar to add widgets from content connections, widget copies, or web content to your dashboard. When working with a dashboard in Edit mode, you can access and modify the properties of the currently open dashboard or widget properties. Additionally, if widgets on your dashboard are connected by common parameters, the parameter connections are available through the Widget Communication option.

Only https can be used for mobile applications.