Finalize budget data

This section describes finalizing the budget data.

These screens in the wizard are used:

  • Create Budget
  • Approved Budget Data
  • Publish Budget to Financials
  • Update Budget in Financials

For an Infor Financials integration, Infor d/EPM provides an approved budget cube and a user interface for publishing budget edit ready data.

The XICMAIN_APPROVED cube has the same structure as BPCMAIN. This approved cube is delivered as an empty staging area.

Complete these steps once the budget configuration set is complete to approve the budget data:

  1. Select Dashboards > CSF to d/EPM Integration > Integration Budget Initialize.
  2. Click CONTINUE.
  3. Leave the User Name and Password boxes empty. This information is obtained from the data connection.
  4. On the Create Budget step, click NEXT.
  5. Complete these steps to approve the budget:
    1. Select the version to approve.
    2. Select the year.
    3. Select the entity. You can choose All (Top Level) or an individual entity.
    4. Click PUBLISH.
    5. If successful, click NEXT.
    You have now completed the budget creation in Infor d/EPM.
  6. Complete these steps once the approved budget data completes publishing the budgets to Financials:
    1. Select the version to transfer to Infor Financials.
    2. Select the year.
    3. Select All Period or select a single period.
    4. Select the scenario in Infor Financials to load the budget.
    5. Click PUBLISH.
    6. If successful, click NEXT.
    You have transferred the budget to the Infor Financials scenario.
  7. Sign in to Infor Financials to update the budget in the global ledger and complete the loading process.
  8. Select Budgeting > Budgeting Scenarios.
  9. Open the scenario and click the Imports tab. Confirm that the budgets are loaded.
  10. Select Actions > Upload Budget.
    The data is validated and stored in the global ledger total. Records with errors will fail and must be corrected and then uploaded again. After the budget has been successfully uploaded, it is purged from the Imports tab and is displayed in the Data tab.
  11. Select Actions > Set Ready > .
    The status of the scenario is updated to Ready and the GLTOT_Cube is refreshed.

    See the Infor Financials & Supply Management Global Ledger User Guide.