Copying profit margins

You can copy profit margins from one period to another.

Before you copy profit margins, you must specify the profit margin data on the Profit Margin page.

  1. After you specify profit margin data, click Copy Profit Margins.
  2. In the Source and Target sections, specify the periods from which and to which to copy the profit margins. The configuration set and version are populated with the context values and cannot be changed.

    If you specify one period in the Source section, then you can specify one or multiple periods in the Target section.

    If you specify multiple periods in the Source section, then you must specify the starting period in the Target section. The profit margins are copied consecutively.

    You cannot specify the same periods in the Source and Target sections.

  3. Click OK.
    The copied profit margins are displayed for the configuration set, version, and periods that you have specified as the target.