This function returns values that represent one or more element attributes. For example, Caption (MEMBER_CAPTION) or Id (MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME).

INFOR.GET.ELEMENT supports these features:

  • Multiselection

    You can specify multiple unique names of elements from the same hierarchy.

  • Retrieval of all attributes
  • MDX expressions

    For example, you can specify [HierarchyUN].DefaultMember to return the default element attributes or elementUN.Children to returned multiple child elements.

    If an aggregated set of elements is returned from an MDX expression, the corresponding attributes are returned in one cell, separated by commas.


The function has this syntax:

=INFOR.GET.ELEMENT("data_connection", "cube", [attribute], "hierarchy" {, element, ...})

This table shows the parameters and their descriptions:

Parameters Description
data_connection Represents the database unique name. It is a string or a cell reference.
cube Represents the cube unique name. It is a string or a cell reference.
attribute Represents the attribute unique name. It is a matrix of strings or cell-references. If not specified, the default value is MEMBER_CAPTION.
hierarchy Represents the hierarchy unique name. It is a string or a cell reference. If the hierarchy is not specified, the default value is an empty string and the hierarchy is parsed from the element unique name.
element Represents the element unique name from the specified hierarchy. It is any number of strings or cell-references.
Note: If the hierarchy is not specified, the element unique name must be specified in its long form, for example, [PERIOD].[ALL YEARS].[2018].

Return values

This function returns a single cell value of any type.

For a specified and valid hierarchy:

  • If the element parameter is specified as multiple unique names that are separated by comma, an aggregated member is return. The multiple elements must be from the same hierarchy.
  • If the element parameter is empty, the default element from the specified hierarchy is returned.
  • If the element parameter is only the element name, the first available element with such name is returned.

When the attributes parameter contains multiple unique names, for example, MEMBER_CAPTION and MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME, the function returns an array of 1 x N size. The order of the specified attributes defines the order of returned items.

If the [attribute] argument is not specified, the function returns the MEMBER_CAPTION attribute.


The function returns an error value if any required parameter is missing. If the specified parameters are invalid, the corresponding element is skipped.