Loading selective data with use of custom settings

To load selective data, you can use custom settings or parameters, or both, and create a copy of the fact table with a _temp suffix in its name. The table must use an IncrementalLoad query.

You can add custom settings manually or import them.

Custom settings are used as variables to select data to load.

For example, you can create a CA_Adventurer custom setting with the value of 102, which relates to Tony Roast in the example from the "Best practices to load data from the source system to Infor d/EPM OLAP" topic and load data only for this one adventurer.

  1. After you added or imported a custom setting, in d/EPM Administration, select Dashboards > Data Integrations > Relational Modeling.
  2. Select the staging table with the _temp suffix and click the Load Queries tab.
  3. In the Query Editor, copy the IncrementalLoad query.
  4. Click Add and specify this information:
    Specify the name of the query.
    Source Connection
    Select Data Lake.
    Optionally, specify the description of the query.
    What to do with conflicts?
    The Update check box is selected by default. If selected, new records are added and existing records are updated.
    Query Editor
    Paste the copied query and replace the WHERE LastModified > '<<LAST_IMPORT>>' condition with this condition:
    WHERE <dimension name> = @CustomSettings.<setting name>

    For example:

    SELECT [RecordID]
    ,'Actuals' AS Scenario
    FROM ['CA_FactCoffeeAdventure']
    WHERE Adventurer = @CustomSettings.CA_Adventurer
  5. Click Save and then click Load and Load Data.
  6. Select Dashboards > OLAP > Edit Database and select the application and then the appropriate cube.
  7. Click the Mappings tab and then New Mapping.
  8. On the Source tab, specify this information:
    Mapping Name
    Specify the mapping name.
    Mapping Unique Name
    Specify the mapping unique name.
    Optionally, specify a comment about the facts mapping definition.
    Data Connection
    Select Staging.
    Fact Table Name
    Select the fact table with the _temp suffix.
  9. Click the Column Mapping tab and specify this information:
    Select Value Column Mode
    The Single option is selected by default.
    Value Column Name
    Select Value.
    Clear Cube Area
    For the dimension to which to load data, specify @CustomSettings.<setting name>. For the Scenario dimension, specify Actuals.
    Clear Values
    This function is enabled by default. Keep it enabled.
    Writing Mode
    Select Add.
  10. Click Save.