Relationship between business objects and data source tables

Business objects in Business Modeling relate to tables in the relational Integration database.

This table shows the relationship of each business object to the table in the data source:

Business object Table name
Accounts Account
Asset Categories Not available because of no integration import support.
Analysis 1 Analysis01
Analysis 2 Analysis02
Analysis 3 Analysis03
Analysis 4 Analysis04
Analysis 5 Analysis05
Analysis 6 Reserved for decision packages.

Not available for integration purposes.

Analysis 7 Analysis07
Analysis 8 Analysis08
Analysis 9 Analysis09
Analysis 10 Analysis10
Analysis 11 Analysis11
Analysis 12 Reserved for Infor Strategy Management.

Not available for integration purposes.

Cash Flow Not available because of no integration import support.
Cash Flow Accounts CashFlowAccount
Cash Flow Group Accounts CashFlowGroupAccount
Custom Details Not available because of no integration import support, future enhancement.
Entities Entity
Groups Group
Organizations Organization
Segments 1 PrimarySegment
Segments 2 SecondarySegment
Segments 3 TertiarySegment
Group Accounts GroupAccount
Schedules Schedule