Financial planning steps

After the configuration for a version is completed and the configuration set is started, you can access the financial planning steps. Select the Financial Planning Step option on the Configuration Set Definition page.

A planning step contains a selection of accounts that are related to a specific version, entity, and configuration set. Optionally, if organizations are enabled for the selected version, entity, and configuration set, they can be activated for related accounts. Each planning step is submitted to the workflow where it is assigned a due date and is assigned to the responsible planners and approvers. The assigned people can then access the step from the Tasks page.

When you create a planning step, for each top account, you activate accounts to work with. Active accounts are accounts for which planners can submit values.

Note: In most planning steps, you can specify that accounts are displayed hierarchically or as a flat list. An account hierarchy may include accounts that have not been activated for the planning step. If you splash a value on a parent account, the amount is splashed to all its child accounts. Splashing is even applied to accounts that are not activated for the planning step, unless the value of the child account is zero. Splashing is not enabled on accounts with zero values.