This function returns information about properties of the environment in which a report is displayed. This information can be used by report designers to ensure that reports are displayed optimally in different environments, such as dashboards and Apple Watch.

GETENVIRONMENTINFO is typically used in report load actions to configure variables that control report behavior.

This table describes the categories of environmental properties:

Category Property Description Value

Refers to the area in which a report is displayed: for example, a dashboard widget, or a web browser

HasMargin Indicates whether the container has built-in margins TRUE or FALSE
HasTitle Indicates whether the container has its own title TRUE or FALSE
Width Width of the container in pixels Number
Height Height of the container Number
IsDialog Indicates whether the report opens as a dialog report TRUE or FALSE
IsMing.le Indicates whether the report opens in Infor Ming.le TRUE or FALSE
IsLocked Indicates whether the dashboard is locked to prevent modification by users TRUE or FALSE
Type Describes the type of container HomepageWidget


Global IsService Indicates whether a report is displayed in a Infor d/EPM Platform services environment TRUE OR FALSE
Dashboard Name Unique name of the dashboard Text
Caption Name of the dashboard Text
Application UniqueName Unique name of the application Text
ApplicationName Name of the application Text
Version Application version Number
Build Application build Number
Description Application description Text
Authentication Username Name of the signed-in user Text
UserId ID of the signed-in user ID
Roles Roles to which the signed-in user belongs Text
Group Groups to which the signed-in user belongs Text
Tenant Text
Configuration Values (CV) The names of the configuration values that are specified in Infor d/EPM Platform services Text


The category and property arguments of the function are optional but, in most cases, both are specified.

This syntax returns the value of a specified property:


For example:


This syntax returns an XML table of all properties in a category, and their values:


This syntax returns an XML table of all categories and properties that have values:


The function ignores properties and categories that have no or empty values. For example, =GETENVIRONMENTINFO("Dashboard") returns no values unless the report which contains the function is displayed in a dashboard.