Configuring a tab control report

This example describes how to configure the tab control and store this function in report variables for further processing.

  1. Create an Application Studio report named Tab Control.
  2. In the Properties - Report pane set the Immediate Writeback option to Automatic.
  3. Create these report variables:
    • Selected

      Set to =TRUE.

    • TabOneActive

      Set to =TRUE.

    • TabTwoActive

      Set to =FALSE.

    • TabThreeActive

      Set to =FALSE.

  4. Select row 2. This row holds the web extension. Change the height of this row to at least 50 pixels to make the web extension fit in.
  5. To create the first report section, select rows 3 to 18.
  6. In row properties, select the TabOneActive report variable, Formula, and Allow Growth.
  7. To create the second report section, select rows 19 to 35.
  8. In row properties select thr TabTwoActive report variable, Formula, and Allow Growth.
  9. To create the third report section select rows 36 to 55.
  10. In row properties, select the TabThreeActive report variable, Formula, and Allow Growth.
  11. Set the A1:L55 cell range to Visible Report Area.
  12. Define a different background color for each report section.
  13. Insert the ="You are on tab "&ReportVariables.Selected.Text formula into the C10, C26, and C43 cells.
  14. Insert this table into the B60:I68 cell range:
    Key Caption Enabled Media name Type Tooltip Visible Parent
    ID 1 Tab 1 TRUE Alert I have an alert! TRUE
    ID 2 Tab 2 TRUE Progress There is something in progress. TRUE
    ID 3 Splitter TRUE Separator TRUE
    ID 4 TRUE Shared image unique name TRUE
    ID 5 Menu 1 TRUE TRUE ID 2
    ID 6 Menu 2 TRUE ID 2
    ID 7 Splitter TRUE Separator ID 2
    ID 8 Menu 3 TRUE ID 2
    Note: Use a shared image unique name from the repository. Right-click an empty cell and select Format cell > Images > Shared Images.