
To update the structure of existing OLAP dimensions, you can use the data type OLAPEditDimensionRequest:

void EditDimensionRequestDemo()
    OLAPEditDimensionRequest request = OLAPCreateEditDimensionRequest("TESTDIM");
    OLAPAddNumericalElement(request, "A");
    OLAPAddNumericalElement(request, "B", "A", 1.0);
    OLAPAddTextualElement(request, "T");

    OLAPConnection c = OLAPCreateNamedConnection("");
    OLAPSendRequest(c, request, false);

The process edits a dimension named TESTDIM and adds a new numerical dimension element named A. Then it adds another numerical dimension element named B and sets its parent to A. Eventually, the process adds a new textual element named T.