Authentication and authorization

The security of content in Infor d/EPM is administered through authentication and authorization.

Authentication determines which users can access content.

Authorization determines which content can be used by authenticated users, and to what extent.

There are these levels of authorization:

  • Application access and global permissions: Determines which applications users can access and whether, for example, they can create reports or administer a database.
  • Report and dashboard access: Determines which reports and dashboards users can access.
  • Data access: Determines which OLAP data users can view and edit. Data access enables different users to be presented with different data in the same report. For example, to allow sales managers to see sales figures only for their own regions.

Infor d/EPM utilizes single sign on security. Authenticated users are assigned a ticket which is used for application access, report and dashboard access, and for data access.

Authentication can be Basic, LDAP, or IFS. Only IFS is supported in cloud environments. In the cloud, users sign in through Infor Ming.le to access the applications running in Infor Ming.le.