Configuring integration with custom settings

  1. Select Dashboards > Applications Administration > > Custom Settings.
  2. Select d/EPM Business Applications in the Applications list.
  3. In the Value column, specify the value for each custom setting that is required.
    Specified values are saved automatically.
    This table shows descriptions, supported values, and formats for custom settings that are specific to the standard integration.
    Custom setting Description and supported values and formats
    int_accountPrefix Used to remove the entity, the account type, or both from the concatenated account ID.

    These values are supported:

    • True: Account ID is concatenated and the REMOVE function is applied.
    • False: Account ID is not concatenated and the REMOVE function is not applied. False is the default value if the field is left blank.
      Note: The format of a concatenated element ID is Entity_AccountType_AccountId, for example, RU0005_A_A1000. In this case, the ID that is sent back to the sources system is A1000
    int_bookInstanceId Used to define where the budget goes in the receiving application.

    The format depends on the receiving application configuration. If the book instance of the receiving application is 123, then the input is MyBookInstanceID123. For example, if the book instance in the receiving application is YYYYBudget#, then, for the budget #001 in 2021, the value is 2021001.






    The value format is:

    Dimension#|OptionalDimensionName refers to mappings to the source system to define a sequence number and listID.

    StripAccountingEntityPreix|StripLeadingUnderscore refers to the REMOVE function which is applied to the entity ID format.

    Using the dimension number is required. All other configuration options are optional.

    Using only a dimension number is valid.

    Default value is TRUE. For example 1|Products|| is equal to 1|Products|TRUE|TRUE.


    1|Products|FALSE|FALSE: Used for mapping dimension #1 as Products. Neither Accounting Entity Prefix or Leading underscore are removed.

    1|Products|TRUE|TRUE: Used for mapping dimension #1 as Products. For each record of the custom dimension, Accounting Entity Prefix and leading underscore are removed from element IDs. The format of a concatenated element ID is RU0001_product001. Then, TRUE values remove Accounting Entity prefix and leading underscore prefix during BOD publishing. Result to source system is product001.

    Int_leadingUnderscore Used to remove a leading underscore on the Account integration table. Default value is FALSE.
    int_reversAssets Used to reverse the sign of budget values for asset accounts. These values are supported:
    • True
    • False: Default value if the Value field is blank.
    int_reverseExpenditures Used to reverse the sign of budget values for expenditure accounts. These values are supported:
    • True
    • False: Default value if the Value field is blank.
    int_reverseLiabilities Used to reverse the sign of budget values for liability accounts. These values are supported:
    • True
    • False: Default value if the Value field is blank.
    int_reverseRevenues Used to reverse the sign of budget values for revenue accounts. These values are supported:
    • True
    • False: Default value if the Value field is blank.
    int_userArea Used to include specific properties to help define the budget.
    See these specific source system integration guides:
    • Infor M3 Integration Guide for Infor d/EPM
    • Infor LN Integration Guide for Infor d/EPM