Data connections

In the Data Connections dashboard, you define data connections within a specific application. Select Dashboards > Applications Administration > Data Connections.

Data connections provide access to these categories of data source:

  • OLAP
  • Relational Providers

    This provides access to options to connect to the built-in staging database and to the Infor Data Lake.

On the Usage tab, you can specify which clients and other applications the data source can be used with.

For relational connections, you can edit the properties of connections only through the options on the Advanced tab. There is no interface in which to view or edit connection strings directly.

The Advanced tab for OLAP has an option to select the format of the unique names of elements. This enables you to create multiple data connections to the same OLAP database, each with a different unique name format.


A requirement for a high availability connection can be configured with the Enable 'AlwaysOn Availability Groups' support check box and the command and connection timeout options on the Advanced tab.

A connection string created from the selections on the Advanced tab might look like this:

Provider=MSOLEDBSQL;Server=tcp:DEVBILS.<customer>.com,1433;MultiSubnetFailover=Yes;Database=DB_Name; Connect Timeout=30;ConnectRetryCount=10;ConnectRetryInterval=10;