Creating an FTE Summary request

After an FTE Summary workbook is created, completed, and published to workflow, the corresponding workflow can be configured. Then, a planner can create multiple requests that are based on the selected FTE Summary workbook.

As a planner, you can use this procedure to create a request that is based on an FTE Summary workbook.

  1. Click the Home icon.
  2. Select Applications > Sub Plans > Workforce Planning > Reporting > WP Decision Packages.
  3. Select the FTE Summary workbook for your request and click OK.
  4. Specify the request name.
  5. Select the element from the Organization dimension for which you want to create the request.
    The administrator who configures the FTE Summary workbook defines which elements are available for selection.
    Note: If the organization element that was selected in the workbook is deleted from the current hierarchy, the request cannot be submitted. The administrator must create a new workbook in the Workbook Library and select a new organization element.
  6. Optionally, adjust the number of forecast periods to display
    The decision package displays the latest version of data that is available at the time of the request creation. The current period represents the current period at the time of data creation and it is displayed in the Selected Period section.
  7. Specify which data requires manual input for the Organization element that is selected in the context menu.

    If you enter absolute values for a consolidated element, the values that you enter are splashed across its child elements. The splashing is done in proportion to actual FTE numbers. If you enter percentage values for a consolidated element, your input is propagated to all its child elements for which actual FTE numbers exist.

    You can enter absolute or percentage values for the current and future periods. Values for each period must be entered separately. If values are entered for future periods, these numbers are visible when a new FTE Summary request is created in the given future period.

    Calculated results for accounts that use the manually entered data for their calculations are updated.
    Note: If actual FTE data was changed, review the data that was specified previously and re-enter values for the new period. This step is required to reflect the changes in actual FTE numbers that can occur during the configuration set.
  8. Click Submit.
    Your request is sent to a planner or a group of planners who are responsible for the respective stage and step to review. If you do not submit the request, it remains available on the Tasks page as an unsubmitted task.
When the decision package is saved or the request is submitted, the data version is also saved. That is, once the planner opens the decision package, the displayed version of data reflects the current period at the time of creating the request.