Reference factor

The reference factor represents the conversion of workload into its FTE representation. You can use the reference factor to create and apply the factor definition to multiple instances in one step.

Factor values can be specified manually or calculated based on the reference data. The functionality differs according to the selected option.

Reference factor calculation

When you configure the reference factor, you can use the reference data to calculate the reference factor values.

This functionality can be used for initial FTE configurations when you configure FTE calculations for the first time. Use the reference data if you require guidance in defining the workload conversion to FTE. You can use the reference data to select a period that you consider optimal in terms of the numbers of workforce. The reference data is used to automatically calculate the factor value and apply it to all children of the selected level. The data that is used for the calculation includes the workload that is represented by driver values and actual FTE that represents available labor.

The reference data configuration is saved for the selected level, at the Parent level. Reference factor values are provided based on the calculation formula for the driver configuration on the child elements. Driver configurations for dimension elements can have different factor values because different source data is used in the formula.

The reference factor is calculated using this formula:

Reference factor = Driver value / (Actual FTE - Fixed FTE)

Manual entry

If you specify the factor value manually and use the inheritance functionality, the same factor value is applied to all children of the selected level. The functionality to apply the same factor value to all child elements in one step is especially useful when forecasting direct labor.

Forecasting direct labor that is involved in the production of goods and services is usually performed using a driver that represents workload. And the workload is typically expressed as time effort. You can use calculated drivers to calculate the time effort to fulfill the forecast demand. If the time effort is expressed in hours, then the factor value represents the number of hours available for the given period. You can use the inheritance functionality to define the same shift work for multiple departments within the same organization in one step.