Modifying actions

Use the Modify Action tab to modify or delete an existing salary, supplemental pay, or benefit action. For example, you can increase the car reimbursement rate for sales managers. You can change the effective date when sales managers start receiving the reimbursement. You can limit the duration of the benefit or remove the benefit from the selected budget.

You can modify or delete an action by selecting the context for affected records, selecting the pay or benefit definition, and adjusting the action's configuration.

To reflect modifications or action deletions completed through the Modify Action tab in workforce data, you must apply them in Outstanding Changes tab.

  1. Click the Home icon.
  2. Select Module Settings and Budgeting > Data Entry > Action Generator.
  3. Click the Modify Action tab.
  4. In the Context pane specify this information:
    Configuration Set
    Specify the configuration set with the relevant positions or position assignments.
    Specify the version with the relevant positions or position assignments.
    Specify the entity with the relevant positions or position assignments.
    Specify the organization with the relevant positions or position assignments.
    Pay and Benefit
    Specify the salary change, pay, or benefit to add to positions or position assignments. Global pays and benefits are not available for selection. Global pays and benefits are applied to all records through the Supplemental Pay and Benefit Definition page. Benefit definitions that do not have the Allow Budgeter to Apply option activated are available only for Workforce Budgeting Administrators.
  5. Optionally, use the grid header filters or the Additional filters, available in the toolbar, to filter the displayed records.
    You can filter the positions and position assignments with specified pay and benefit action. In the grid you can see the level of the action's inheritance. When you change an inherited action, its inheritance is excluded for the affected . For example, a position inherits the action from its job. After the action is modified, the position no longer inherits any action changes from its job. This applies to the modified action and any other action, previously inherited from the job.
  6. Click Modify Action and specify this information for selected records:
    Action Start Date
    Change the start date to modify the effective start. The date can be modified only for salary, supplemental pay and benefit definitions with the calendar date as a date type.
    Action End Date
    Specify the end date to limit the time interval during which the selected pay or benefit is provided. Alternatively, remove the previously entered date.
    Action Value
    Replace the current value with a new one, increase or decrease it by a certain amount or percentage. The new value is valid for the selected time interval defined by the start date and end date.
    The option to adjust the action value is not available for YTD ranges, definitions with dated values, and or definitions that do not have the Allow Budgeter to Override option activated.
    To change the action's value after its start date, first use Modify Action to set an effective end date to the original action. Then use Add Action to create a new action with an effective start corresponding with the new action value.
  7. Click Save to confirm the configuration. You can choose to continue with further budget adjustments or go to the Outstanding Changes tab to apply your change. Until an action is applied, the change is not reflected in budget data.
  8. Optionally, click Delete Action to remove an existing action from the selected position or position assignment records.