Application Engine


The ConsolidationGetCompanyJournals and ConsolidationGetGroupJournals functions have been enhanced to let you build custom reports with journal management data.


  • MailerSendMail(MailServer server, string sender, string receiverList, string subject, string body, string htmlBody);

    Sends an email (plain text and HTML format), no attachment

  • MailerSendMail(MailServer server, string sender, string receiverList, string subject, string body, VariantDictionary attachments);

    Sends an email (plain text) with attachments.

  • MailerSendMail(MailServer server, string sender, string receiverList, string subject, string body, string htmlBody, VariantDictionary attachments);

    Sends an email (plain text and HTML format) with attachments

  • VariantDictionary attachments contains pairs of <string KeyName, BinaryData KeyValue>

    Creates a list of attachments.


  • ToString(BinaryData binaryData)

    Converts binary data into a string (UTF8 encoding).

  • ToString(BinaryData binaryData, string encoding);

    Converts binary data into a string (set encoding method).

  • BinaryDataCreateFromString(string text);

    Converts a string into binary data (UTF8 encoding).

  • BinaryDataCreateFromString(string text, string encoding);

    Converts a string to binary data (set encoding method).

  • BinaryDataCompress(BinaryData binaryData, string method, bool compress);

    Compresses binary data.


  • IONGetResponseBinaryContent(IONResponse response);

    Retrieves binary data from an ION API request.

  • IONAddRequestParameter(RequestParameterType type, IONRequestMessage request, string name, BinaryData value, string fileName);

    Passes binary data to an ION API request.