Application Engine
Manage long running processes
Use the new Application Engine Processes dashboard in d/EPM Administration to manage long running Application Engine processes.
Functions for asynchronous processes
These functions have been implemented in relation to asynchronous processes:
string GetCurrentTraceId()
Retrieves the TraceId of the current process.
bool IsProcessCancellationRequested()
Checks if cancellation of the current process has been requested.
string AsyncStartProcess(string process, int version, VariantList parameters, AsyncExecutionFlags flags)
Executes the specified B# process asynchronously (new overload for already existing function which allows to control the execution via execution flags).
bool AsyncIsProcessCancelled(string asyncJobId)
Determines whether the asynchronous process was canceled.
bool AsyncIsProcessCancelling(string asyncJobId)
Determines whether a process cancellation has been requested.
bool AsyncIsProcessExecutionOver(string asyncJobId)
Determines whether the asynchronous process execution is done. That is, if the process was successfully completed, canceled, or force-killed.
void AsyncCancelProcess(string asyncJobId)
Cancels a BI# process running asynchronously.
void AsyncForceKillProcess(string asyncJobId)
Force-kills a BI# process running asynchronously.
string AsyncGetTraceId(string asyncJobId)
Retrieves the TraceId of an asynchronous process.
void AsyncWaitForAll(StringList asyncJobIdList)
Waits for all async processes to complete.
Variant dictionary functions
These functions have been implemented in relation to variant dictionaries:
VariantDictionary CreateVariantDictionary()
Creates a new VariantDictionary.
VariantList Keys(VariantDictionary dictionary)
Returns the keys of a VariantDictionary.
bool ContainsKey(VariantDictionary dictionary, variant key)
Checks whether a VariantDictionary contains a certain key.
void Remove(VariantDictionary dictionary, variant key)
Removes the value with the specified key from the dictionary.
int Count(VariantDictionary dictionary)
Returns the number of key/value pairs stored in the dictionary.