Dimension table

The DEPM_MOD_DIMENSION table holds the OLAP dimensions for a model.
Name Definition
ID nvarchar(50) NOT NULL; PK
Name nvarchar(50) NOT NULL
IsReference bit NULL
ExtendedProperties (can contain Custom Settings) ntext NULL
ModelName nvarchar(50) NOT NULL
DacTableName nvarchar(50) NULL

The ID of a dimension is unique for the entire Staging database. The ID is not published to OLAP and is used only within the Staging database. The ID is independent of the dimension name, which allows multiple dimensions of the same name, but with different content, to be used in different models.

Name represents the dimension name in OLAP.
Note: We recommend that you do not use spaces in dimension names. Doing so can result in mapping issues if a dimension name is also required as a column header in a Staging database data table. Spaces are not allowed in column headers.
Captions are specified in the Extended Properties column.
This example shows the .xml to specify the caption Sales Regions (global), in the neutral language, for a dimension named Region:
   <Alea:Translation LocaleIdentifier="0">
     <Alea:Caption>Sales Regions (global)/Alea:Caption>
You can populate the Extended Properties column with an SQL script. For example:
SET extendedproperties='<Alea:Properties>     
   <Alea:Translation LocaleIdentifier="0">
     <Alea:Caption>Sales Regions (global)/Alea:Caption>

IsReference indicates that the dimension is not modeled but is a placeholder to make the dimension reusable in modeled cubes. For example, a standard dimension of the Infor d/EPM business application can be referenced to make it usable in custom cubes or sub plan modeling.

ExtendedProperties holds additional information about an OLAP dimension in the OLAP Extended Properties.xml format. Examples of the information that is held are the dimension caption, the dimension description, and their translations.

ModelName references a model.

DacTableName references a table from which values for the DAC cube are loaded.

The table has these references:

Source columns Target table Target columns
DacTableName _table Name