
The standard arithmetic operators + - * / are evaluated with standard algebraic priority. That is, multiplication and division are evaluated first, then addition and subtraction. A different order of calculation can be forced with parentheses ( ).

There are no operators to manipulate strings. This can be achieved through text rule functions like INSRT, SUBST, and others.

These comparison operators can be used in the conditions of an IF statement or even in rule formulas.

  • N1 > N2 greater than
  • N1 < N2 less than
  • N1 = N2 equal (works for numbers and strings)
  • N1 @= N2 equal (works for strings only)
  • N1 <> N2 not equal to
  • N1 >= N2 greater than or equal to
  • N1 <= N2 less than or equal to

These logical operators are available in conditions of IF statements or in rule formulas:

  • AND - example: (X < Y) AND (X > Z)
  • OR - example: (X < Y) OR (X > Z)
  • NOT - example: NOT(X < Y)

The expressions used in conjunction with logical operators must be enclosed in parentheses.