
The _Sources table describes the data sources of the dimensions and cubes to be loaded. The source are identified with a number in the other tables. The details are stored here.

The other metadata tables contain a column called SourceId. The ID read from the other tables is used to find the correct row in the _Sources table. If there is no entry, the appropriate table or view in the same database as the metadata tables is used. When looking up the source in the _Sources table, the source type and the connection parameters are read. Depending on the type, this can be either a direct connection string or the ID used to retrieve a connection string from a global data source.

This table describes _Sources:

Column Type Description
SourceId Integer Identifier for the source row in this table.
SourceType Integer Enumerator for type of source:

1 = SQL Server, Amazon Redshift, or PostgreSQL ODBC

2 = Aqua ODBC (Not yet implemented.)

3 = The connection string is obtained from d/EPM Administration.

ConnectionParameters Text Connection string to the source or a data source identifier used to look up the required connection string from d/EPM Administration. This is an example of a connection string:

Driver={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};Server=serverName\instanceName;Database=myDataBase;Trusted_Connection=yes;

Comment Text User defined comment.