Scaling server

These are the services which you typically install to a scaling server:
  • Application Studio Service worker
  • Application Engine Service worker
  • Dashboards Service worker

This table shows the minimum recommendations for the scaling server:

Specification Recommendation
CPU cores 4
Memory (GB) 16

Infor d/EPM comes with more services and scales horizontally so you can group the services based on the usage. That means as the number of concurrent users increase, you add more scaling servers. However, it is the overall memory and number of cores that are available to the farm that is important not the number of servers.

The nature and complexity of each different user profile makes is difficult to give a common recommendation. Each project and each user has a different activity profile. The application itself is extremely flexible. In addition, it gives you control over the basic implementation structure, such as the dimensions, the structure of their hierarchies, all data access profiles and rules, and so on. Overall, each user profile, combined with the distribution of concurrent users across these profiles, determines the overall machine requirements.

In general, that makes it difficult to give a fixed sizing recommendation per concurrent user figures that fits all projects.

If you are migrating from a previous version, we recommend you map your existing server infrastructure into the new topology. A key aspect is to verify if the memory is still enough. Adding a few more processors will make the server faster.

This table shows the recommendations for multiple scaling servers:

Specification Recommendation
Concurrent users <50 <100 <200
Number of scaling servers 1 2 3

We recommend you add an additional scaling server for every 100 additional concurrent users with at least the minimum server specifications.

This table shows the recommendations for adding multiple scaling servers if your application has a high number of concurrent planner users:

Specification Recommendation
Concurrent planner users <20 <75 <200
Number of scaling servers 1 3 5

For each additional 50 concurrent planner users, you should add an additional scaling server.