
The Group Accounts business object has several properties that are important for consolidation purposes.

This table show the properties of the Group Accounts business object:

Property Description
ID Unique identifier of an account.

Required property.

Name Caption that is displayed as a default value if no language-specific translation is provided.

Required property.

Parent ID The parent of an account in a parent-child relation.
Order position Responsible for the sequence of group accounts within the structure.

The order of group accounts is defined separately for each hierarchy level within the chart of accounts. First is the top account that is followed by lower level accounts.

This property is relevant to the base and parent elements.

Weight Used to control the roll-up into parents.

Typically set to 1 for the accounts in the group chart of accounts.

Type Account type that determines whether a debit or a credit has a positive or negative effect on an account. For example, a debit for an asset account is positive whereas for a liability account, the debit is negative.

These types of accounts are available:

  • A: Asset
  • L: Liability
  • R: Revenue
  • E: Expense
  • S: Statistical. No roll-up. For example, average price.
  • T: Statistical. For example, KPIs.
  • M: Statistical. No roll-up and no currency conversion. For example, headcount.
  • O: Statistical. No currency conversion. For example, sales volume
Note: To prevent an aggregation of values within the chart of accounts, the Weight property must be set to 0 for all statistical account types.
Method Describes how an account is calculated from the functional currency into the group currency.

Five methods exist. You must specify at least Method 1.

Each method describes a different way of currency conversion. Methods enable a group account to be calculated with different rate types in different configuration sets, versions, and periods.

You can select these rate types for each method:

  • N: No conversion
  • F: Closing rate
  • A: Year to date average rate
  • WA: Weighted average rate
  • H: Historical rate
  • HI: Historical rate intercompany
  • HS: Historical rate schedule
  • HD: Historical rate intercompany/schedule

Methods cater for changes over time to how functional currency is translated into group currency and for requirements to report in several GAAPs, such as US GAAP. US GAAP requires a different conversion than International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Schedule Used to indicate a schedule.

These preconfigured schedules are available:

  • A: Assets and depreciation
    • A1: Asset gross value
    • A2: Depreciation
  • B: Receivables
  • C: Payables
  • D: Accruals
  • E: Equity

A1 and A2 are subschedules of A and cannot be selected. They are used if you select the main schedule (A).

You must maintain the base and parent elements.

Intercompany Must be enabled for all group accounts that can have an intercompany-related values. In this way, you can specify data and post journals that contain intercompanies.

This property is relevant only to the base elements.

Entity Journal If enabled, then an account is available in the entity journal editor.

This property is relevant to the base and parent elements.

Group Journal If enabled, then an account is available in the group journal editor.

This property is relevant only to the base elements.

Data Entry If enabled, then an account is available in respective data entry reports.

This property is relevant to the base and parent elements.

Entity Report If enabled, then an account is available in respective entity reports.

This property is relevant to the base and parent elements.

Group Report If enabled, then an account is available in respective group reports.

This property is relevant to the base and parent elements.

Equity Buy Defines a schedule detail that presents goodwill changes. Goodwill changes result from acquisitions.
Note: You must post the results of an acquisition manually.

This property is used by specific customized processes.

Equity Sell Defines a schedule detail that presents the sale result. The sale is done by adding the participation change request in the Ownership Management in Financial Consolidation.
Note: You must post the results of a sale manually.

This property is used by specific customized processes.

Equity Enables equity accounts that are displayed in the Ownership Management in Financial Consolidation.

This property is relevant only to the base elements.

Reserve Buy Defines a schedule detail for a group account that receives information about unrealized reserves if an acquisition is performed. Unrealized reserves result from a GAAP related acquisition..
Note: You must post the results of an acquisition manually.

This property is used by specific customized processes.

Reserve Sell Defines a schedule detail for a group account that receives information about unrealized reserves after an entity is sold.
Note: You must post the results of a sale manually.

This property is used by specific customized processes.

Reserves Enables reserves accounts that are displayed in the Ownership Management in Financial Consolidation.

This property is relevant only to the base elements.

Format String Indicates a number format that is used for the purposes of number visualization in, for example, Self-Service or custom reports.

By default, set to #,##0.00.

See "Number formats".

Note: The specified format does not affect standard reports of the Infor d/EPM business applications.
Subgroup Mapping Relevant only if you use the Copy Subgroup Data function in Financial Consolidation. This function transfers data of a group to an entity that represents the whole group. Typically, this is done with a subgroup of the parent group. The entity to which the values are transferred belongs to the parent group and is set as a dummy entity.

If the parent group requires different accounts, then those accounts must be mapped to the parent group. You can select the consolidation group accounts in Financial Consolidation.

This property is relevant only to the base elements.

Non Controlling Interests Non Controlling Interests accounts are assigned to relevant equity accounts. The share that belongs to third parties is then posted through the minority rule from the equity account to the Non Controlling Interests account.

This property is relevant only to the base elements.

Note: A Non Controlling Interests account and its corresponding equity account must have the same schedule assigned. Otherwise, an error occurs when running consolidation processes.
Translation into other languages If multiple languages are used, then each group account name can be translated into the respective language.

This table shows differences between some elements of the Group Accounts business object in Financial Consolidation version 12 and older versions.

Element Description
Segment Segments are no longer properties of the Group Accounts business object.

To enable segments, select Modules > Consolidation > Core and click Configure Module.

If you enable segmentation, then all profit and loss accounts (types E and R) are segmented automatically.

Additionally, you can enable segmentation for the balance sheet. This applies to the accounts of type A and L.

Consolidation process In Financial Consolidation version 11 and older, users assigned consolidation rules to group accounts in order to make group accounts available for the elimination setup.

In Financial Consolidation version 12, group accounts are available to select during the elimination setup but users no longer assign consolidation rules to group accounts to activate them.

Schedule detail parameter Not used in Financial Consolidation version 12.
Account parameter Not used in Financial Consolidation version 12.