Creating an attribute-driven hierarchy

Before you use an attribute-driven hierarchy, create the parent-child modeled hierarchies, add the attribute tables and fields, and set the attribute values for the base elements.

To create an attribute-driven hierarchy:

  1. To edit the properties of a dimension, right-click the dimension in the tree and select Properties.
  2. Click the Hierarchies tab.
  3. Click Create Hierarchy on the toolbar and select Attribute Hierarchy from the menu.
    The Attribute Hierarchy dialog opens.
  4. In the General Properties section, specify this information:
    Specify the name of the attribute-driven hierarchy.
    Specify a description for the attribute-driven hierarchy.
    Source Hierarchy
    Select a source hierarchy from the drop-down list. The source hierarchy must be a parent-child hierarchy.
    Default Member
    Specify the element that is used as default element for the hierarchy. Each hierarchy has a default member. If not explicitly selected or defined, the default member is the first element in the top level of the hierarchy. Applications selects this element automatically.
  5. In the Top Level section, specify this information:
    Use top level element
    To use the top level name and the top element name of the source hierarchy, select this check box.
    Specify the top level name.
    Specify the top element name.
  6. In the Attribute Levels section, click Add Attribute to add the required attributes.
    The Attributes dialog opens.
  7. Select one or multiple attributes from which the values are taken to build aggregated elements in the hierarchy and click Select.
    The selected attributes and levels are shown in the list.
  8. To remove an attribute, select the attribute from the list and click Remove Attribute.
    The attribute is removed from the list.
  9. Click Move Up and Move Down to change the order in which the selected attributes are displayed in the list.
  10. Specify the base level name in the Name field.
  11. To save the hierarchy, click OK.
    The new hierarchy is displayed in the list.
  12. Select the default hierarchy from the Default Hierarchy drop-down list.
    This selection is only relevant if you create multiple hierarchies. The default hierarchy cannot be deleted.
  13. To save the dimension properties, click OK.